About History: Grenade!
Welcome to
Tastes Of History's Blog
for a collection of recipes, research, guides and history related articles
The Recipes: a Stuart Christmas Mince Pie
On This Day: Io Saturnalia!
A Brief History of Food: Lobscouse
Food History: A Roman soldier’s diet
Dispelling Some Myths: Was yellow the colour of prostitution?
A Brief History of Food: Chicken à la Marengo
Food History: What did ancient Egyptians eat?
Dispelling Some Myths: Romans, Railways and NASA rockets
Dispelling Some Myths: Robin Hood
A Brief History of Food: Grog
On This Day: Remembering Noor Inayat Khan
Horrible History: Social Status
On This Day: Caesar invades Britain
Horrible History Costume: World on Fire
Dispelling Some Myths: About the Kukri
Sailing the Pirate Round
Boudica: Rebel, Freedom Fighter, Feminist Icon
Dispelling Some Myths: Tintagel and King Arthur
Dispelling Some Myths: Divorce by combat