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Tastes Of History's Blog
for a collection of recipes, research, guides and history related articles
Horrible History: Fight scenes
Horrible History: Lighting the way
Dispelling Some Myths: Who built the pyramids?
Dispelling Some Myths: Roman Cheshire Cheese
Dispelling Some Myths: ‘Blitzkrieg’ was a ‘thing’
About History: The Who’s Who of Beefeaters
Dispelling Some Myths: 'Trench Art'
Dispelling Some Myths: about Pirates
Dispelling Some Myths: Cleopatra the 'African' Queen
Dispelling Some Myths: Lady Godiva’s naked ride
Dispelling Some Myths: A Short life
Dispelling Some Myths: Romans cleaned their teeth with Urine
Taking the pee: should you drink urine?
Dispelling Some Myths: ‘Over and Out’
Dispelling Some Myths: Romans in the Americas
Dispelling Some Myths: 'ancient Roman trebuchets'?
Dispelling Some Myths: Cooking in a Shield?
Cleopatra Ptolemy VII
Dispelling Some Myths: Woad
Paranormal thinking?