Georgian Pirate
Tastes of History for All
A Pirate Tavern
Queen Anne was on the throne at the height of the ‘Golden Age of Piracy’ (1650 to 1726), but in the reigns of George I and his son, George II, it experienced a strong decline. Nevertheless, join Tastes Of History as we explore the food of the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

The 1700s witnessed significant advancements in agriculture and food production. At the same time Britain’s trade networks and expanding empire made available an increasing variety

of ingredients for cooking. The establishment of plantations and expansion of slave labour in the Americas meant that foodstuffs such as sugar, coffee and cocoa became more widely available and were incorporated into popular recipes.
Reflecting the changes in tastes, patterns of consumption and cooking practices of the era, our cookery demonstration will prepare and cook dishes from surviving manuscript recipe books, bills of fare and household food accounts.
Discover more about:
Life on board a ship.
Being part of pirate crew.
What treasures of the sea had to offer.
The popular foods and drink.
Cooking tools and techniques.​
Watch as We:
Prepare a selection of dishes from the 'Golden Age of Piracy'.
Sample the results.
DID YOU KNOW? ‘Biscuit’ comes from a Middle French word which is itself derived from Latin bis (twice) and coquere, coctus (to cook, cooked). Thus, ‘biscuit’ essentially means ‘twice-cooked’.
Click to learn more about: 'Pirate' food and drink
for more of our period displays...

Click here to learn more about: A banquet fit for Pirates
for more of our period displays...

DID YOU KNOW? Boucaniers sometimes added the animal's skin and bones to their cooking fires to lend the smoke a strong aroma. They even had distinct marinating techniques. The 'Sea Rover's Practice: Pirate Tactics and Techniques, 1630-1730' notes many grill-masters first brushed the meat with a mixture of lime juice, salt, pepper and crushed pimento.
A Beach Barbecue
In the 17th century the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) was overrun by feral pigs, boars and cattle. Hunters drawn to the surfeit of game flocked to the island intent on making a tidy profit. Spanish ships were often docked in the ports and the long-lasting, salted meat was easy to sell to hungry sailors. First, however, they needed to cook it. A wooden, grill-like frame known as a 'Boucan' was widely used.
It was French hunters who really embraced the boucan. Smoking huts and grills were such common sights at their camps that the hunters became known as 'Boucaniers'. Pork was by far the most popular meat cooked on the boucan, but turtle barbecued in its shell ('boucan de tortue') was also a favourite.
Discover more about:
The food of the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
The cooking tools and techniques of the Boucaniers.
A variation on the pirate theme, join Tastes Of History to...
Watch as We:
Prepare a selection of dishes from the barbecue.
Sample the results.
The Gun Deck
Tastes Of History's 'Gun Deck' is an idea in development.
It follows on from our 'How To: Build a Replica Cannon' series which describes how we made a lightweight. portable cannon, and the associated gunners' equipment, for use in our school history workshops. The next logical step is to create an exciting addition to a history event whereby younger visitors are given the chance to dry 'fire' a replica naval gun.

Click to learn more about: Building a replica cannon
Please note: this is a non-firing gun. No black powder, other explosive propellant, shot or projectile, nor loud bangs are involved.
The 'Gun Deck' is intended to be an educational tool giving children and families a chance to become part of a pirate or Royal Navy gun crew of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Each group's teamwork will be tested as the gun crew performs William Eldred’s 'Gun Firing Drill' to practice loading, running out, aiming, simulating firing the cannon, and reloading.