Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures
These remain strange times, but Tastes Of History is OPEN for business. We are taking bookings for school workshops, public displays and media work. We have, however, retained some protective measures for everyone’s safety.
Although things might be a little different when we visit your site or event, we will still endeavour to deliver our history workshops, demonstrations and presentations in a warm, friendly and safe way. But, to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we have implemented actions aimed at preventing:
o Direct transmission, for instance, if in contact with those sneezing or coughing.
o Indirect transmission, for instance, touching potentially contaminated surfaces.

If either we, or a teacher, pupil or other person we might come into contact with has or is showing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), we reserve the right to cancel an event booking. For out part, we will self-isolate in line with the guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.
If we display symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), we will arrange to be tested in accordance with the NHS test and trace process. We will keep you informed of the outcome for you to implement the appropriate action(s).

While unloading and setting up our props and equipment we will wear either disposable or washable gloves.
As soon as possible after our arrival hands will be washed with soap and water, and dried thoroughly, or alcohol hand sanitiser used over all parts of each hand.
Hands will be cleaned regularly throughout the day, especially after arriving at your site, when returning from breaks, before and after eating or handling food, as well as after blowing a nose, sneezing, or coughing.
Hand sanitiser will be available for others to use.

Although seemingly inappropriate in a historical context, we reserve the right to wear face coverings as necessary.
We implement good respiratory hygiene by promoting the “catch it, bin it, kill it” approach.
Mouths and noses will be covered with disposable tissues when coughing or sneezing. If one is not available, then coughing or sneezing into the crook of an elbow is preferred than into a hand. Should the latter occur, then hand sanitiser will be applied.

Contact between individuals will be inimised and social distancing maintained wherever possible. A face covering may be worn if distancing of 2 metres cannot be maintained.
Social distancing barriers, one-way systems and markers on the ground will be used, wherever possible, to help visitors keep a safe distance at events. Information and signposts also will be used to guide visitors.

We are carrying out more frequent cleaning.
Enhanced cleaning, using standard products such as bleach and detergents, has been introduced for frequently touched surfaces, such as table tops, props and equipment.
All rubbish, for instance issues and paper towels, will be placed in a disposable rubbish bag. Hands will be immediately cleaned with soap and water or an alcohol hand sanitiser.