Britain at War
Bringing History to Life beyond the Classroom

Twenty-one years after the end of The Great War, Britain was once again preparing for war. The "Britain at War" workshop is great way to study the impact of the Second World War on the lives of men, women and children on the Homefront in the 1940s.
What might the day include?
WW2 days are a great opportunity for children to come to school in costume. The emphasis is on having FUN, using artefacts, role-play, and games to teach history in an engaging and meaningful way. A WW2 day can include any or all of these topics:
o Britain goes to war.
o The Home Front.
o The Blitz.
o Air raid precautions.
o Evacuation.
o Rationing.
o Dad’s Army - the Home Guard.
o Spies, spying and code breaking.
o Inventions.
To discuss your specific requirements, please Contact Us.